We believe in letting our Core Values lead the way.


While PBMs do not have a legal fiduciary responsibility to their clients, we have self-imposed a moral fiduciary responsibility simply because it is the right thing to do. When you do the right thing, good things happen.


“Respect is a result of showing our partners who we truly are.”
– Nathan Gabhart RPh, Founder & CEO

It is this mindset and practice that keeps both our client and employee retention rates in the high 90’s.


As a privately held company, we possess the ability to create technology applications that cater directly to our unique business model. Our internal infrastructure provides an innovative and flexible environment which allows for maximum cost containment.


TrueScripts grows exclusively through serving others. We provide a robust support system to our members, clients, broker partners, and communities served nationwide. Just give us a call; With over a 99% success rate, our ONE RING RESPONSE™ service connects you with a live TrueScripts professional on the very first ring of the phone.

We want to give you Amazing Care.

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